TRIPAS is a movable structure, that modifies itself and adapt in relation to encounter situations in different public spaces. Tripas is a nomad, flexible, observatory, a three-dimensional diary of urban dynamics. Tripas was inspired by a dynamic structure to hang the clothes for common use, located in the neighbourhood Afurada in Porto. The material that compose Tripas are defined by what is find in location. The main structure is made out of cannas, a wild weed that spontaneously grows in empty lots of the city of Porto and Lisbon.
Tripas was install in three different public spaces of Lisbon that are currently being transform by privatisation and gentrification processes. The observations and stories from those days were documented and edited in a publication and in the structure itself.
In June we travelled with Tripas to the Crack! Festival in Rome, where the structure adapted in the context of a self-edition festival.